Object Oriented Programming in PHP : All OOP Concepts


Objects is collection of member variables(member data and member function)


Class is group of objects with same attributes and common behaviors


Inheritance is the process of driving a new class from existing class,inherit the all features(Methods and Properties) of base class(Parent Class) in child class with extra features

Scope resolution operator

Scope resolution operator in oop with php : by Scope resolution operator(::) access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class from outside the class by class name.

Final keyword in php

  • Prevents child classes from overriding a method if method is declared as final.
  • If the class defined as final then it cannot be extended.
  • A variable(Properties) cannot be declare as final

Final methods example

//Base class
class PHP {
   final public function finalTest() {
       echo "Base Class is PHP";

//Child class
class MYSQL extends PHP {
   public function finalTest() {
       echo "Child Class is MYSQL";
Fatal error: Cannot override final method PHP::finalTest() 

Final class example

//Base class
final class PHP {
   final public function finalTest() {
       echo "Final Base Class is PHP";

//Child class
class MYSQL extends PHP {
   public function finalTest() {
       echo "Child Class is MYSQL";
Fatal error: Class MYSQL may not inherit from final class (PHP)