PHP Variables

PHP Variables are represented by a dollar sign($). Variables store the information, it's like container means store something

  1. PHP variable starts with $ sign
  2. PHP variable name starts with letter or underscore, A variable can not start with number.
  3. PHP variable name can any number of letters, numbers, or underscores(A-z,0-9 and _)
  4. A variable name can not contain spaces between name.
  5. PHP automatically assign data type to the variable, it is depend on value. PHP is a Loosely Typed Language.
  6. PHP variable name is case-sensitive, $name and $NAME both are different

PHP variable declaration

As per below example, $website is variable name and it is hold ""

 $website = "";

PHP Predefined Variables list


PHP Variables Scope

  1. local
  2. global
  3. static

local scope

When a variable is declared within funaction, then variable scope is local.

function local_scope()
  $a=5 ; /* local scope variable */ 
echo $a;
//Output :: Notice: Undefined variable: a

The above example will not any value of $a because $a has local scope in function

In local scope, we can declare same variables name in different functions.

Variables scope also expand in included/required files as well

include 'test.php';
echo $a;
//Output :: 5

I above example, we have created one file "test.php" and declare a variable "$a", and it's include in another file. $a variable will be available

global scope (PHP global keyword)

When the variable is declared outside of a function and access global variable inside function, use the global keyword.

Example 1- global keyword

function global_scope_test()
	global $a;// global access
	$a = $a+5;
echo $a;
//Output :: 9

Example 2- With the use of $GLOBALS

function global_scope_test()
	$GLOBALS['a'] = $GLOBALS['a'] + 5;
echo $a;
//Output :: 9

Example 3- superglobals variable and scope

function superglobals_test()
echo $_SESSION['name']; // This is superglobals variable, we can get the value of name variable
echo $_POST['age']; // This is superglobals variable, we can get the value of age variable

static scope (PHP static keyword)

PHP static variable used for the local variable not to be deleted after program execution is done, A static variable exist in local variable scope, use the static keyword.

Example 4- PHP static variable

//without static keyword
function test()
	echo $a;

test(); // 5
test(); //5

//with static keyword
function static_test()
	static $a=5;
	echo $a;

static_test(); //5
static_test(); //6

Example 5- PHP declaring static variables

function static_test()
	static $a=5; // correct
	static $b = 5*4; // correct
	static $name = trim(' ABC'); // Incorrect beacause trim is function
	echo $a;

Variable's variable ($message and $$message in php)

$message = 'Hello';
$$message = 'World';
echo $Hello; // World
echo "$message $Hello"; // "Hello World"
echo "$message ${$message}"; // "Hello World"

Reference : PHP