PHP is a general-purpose scripting language, it's used for web development.PHP executed on server was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 but first appeared in 1995.
What is PHP ?
- PHP stands for PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor.
- PHP is an open source scripting lanugage, free to download and use.
- PHP is used for web applications development.
- PHP scripts executed on the server.
- PHP execution is faster than scripting lanugages like ASP etc
- PHP is easy to learn for beginner's.
- PHP run on various platforms like Windows, Linux, etc
- PHP supports most of them web servers (Apache, IIS) etc.
- PHP filename extension is ".php"
How do I start learning PHP ?
Before you starting PHP, You should have basic knowledge of the following
Hello World in PHP
<?php echo "Hello World";?>
What are the features of PHP 7?
- The following are some new features PHP 7 version:
- Scalar type declarations
- Return type declarations
- Null coalescing operator
- Spaceship operator
- Constant arrays using define()
- Anonymous classes
- The Closure::call() method